ISEB | Trusted assessments for independent senior schools since 1904

ISEB sits at the heart of independent education, having delivered innovative admissions assessments to schools for 120 years. We continue to offer a range of robust, flexible and secure assessments that are trusted by the UK's leading senior schools.

Explore our range of admissions tools to find out how we can support your admissions processes.


Who we work with

Our assessments and qualifications are used by hundreds of senior schools across the country, including Charterhouse, Eton, Harrow, JAGS, Radley, Wellington, and Wycombe Abbey.


From online adaptive tests and written examinations, to project qualifications and creative assessments, ISEB can provide your school with a customised admissions package.

Each school is unique and has its own bespoke admissions processes and requirements. We work with schools in a range of ways, from providing a single assessment service to designing a bespoke approach for the future.


Our assessments and qualifications

The ISEB Pre-Tests at 11+

Shared, robust adaptive online admissions tests at 11+ for senior schools that put pupil wellbeing and security first.

Bespoke online entrance tests

Online admissions tests designed in partnership with you to meet your school's unique requirements at any entrance point.

Common Entrance at 13+

The only paper-based entrance exams at 13+ in English, Maths and Science plus a comprehensive range of other subjects.

Creative Writing for Admissions

A new way to assess the creative writing skills of prospective pupils at any entrance point, that utilises groundbreaking technology to provide invaluable insights.

ISEB Qualifications Suite

A suite of project qualifications suitable for years 6 to 11, providing schools with tools to broaden the curriculum and inspire pupils to explore their interests.

The iPQ at Levels 3 and 4

The popular ISEB Project Qualification provides a precursor to the EPQ, promoting independent, skills-based learning for pupils in years 6 to 11.

Book a meeting or demo with us

Register your interest below for a member of the ISEB team to get in touch about a meeting or demo.


Robust shared online tests for schools that take admissions and pupil wellbeing seriously

Academically robust admissions tests developed with data scientists and educational psychologists, giving your school data on prospective pupils you can stand by.

The Pre-Tests are shared tests, so pupils only need to take them once and their results can be accessed by all senior schools they are applying to. This greatly reduces test fatigue and stress, and promotes pupil health and wellbeing.

With built-in SEND and accessibility features, the Pre-Tests are equitable by design.

And administration is simple; senior schools are personally onboarded to the Senior School Portal, from which they are provided with real-time information and test results data, which is easily exportable to build into your school's own metrics.

What do schools think of the ISEB Pre-Tests?

"The system is very user friendly, and ISEB has been fantastic! The Pre-Tests have given me the ability to work at a quicker pace". Libby Willet, Assistant Registrar, Wellington College

"We have found the ISEB Pre-Tests to be a really child-friendly and effective way of pre-testing pupils. The tests are demanding yet do not totally faze the children. It also means no stressful trips to senior schools. If only every school used them..." Adrian Downie, Director of Studies, Ashfold Schol

"We have been impressed with the accuracy and level of fine detail that the Pre-Tests provide us with. We have been particularly delighted with the flexibility and ease of arrangements of taking the tests and prep schools have been increasing keen to work with us on a time frame that is mutually convenient to both schools". Caroline Jordan, Headmistress, Headington School

How does Eton College work with ISEB?Eton College has trusted ISEB's assessments for more than a hundred years. All prospective pupils are required to take the ISEB Pre-Tests as the first stage of their application process, during the October or November of their year 6. Boys attending prep schools that have been offered conditional places following the Pre-Tests will have their places qualified following success in their ISEB Common Entrance at 13+ exams, taken at the end of year 8.


Book a meeting or demo with us

Register your interest below for a member of the ISEB team to get in touch about a meeting or demo. Our friendly team is on hand to discuss your needs and how we can help.

Watch highlights from our conference for schools on the future of assessment, held in London in April 2024

ISEB is a patron organisation of the three main independent sector associations: HMC, IAPS and GSA.

© ISEB 2024. All rights reserved.